• Simple past - Positive statements exercise - New York City
  • Christian Mayr
  • 15.09.2023
  • Englisch
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Dieses Arbeitsblatt enthält Übungen zum Simple Past:

  • Positive Sätze inkl. unregelmäßiger Verben

  • Fragen

Die Übungen wurden mit ChatGPT erstellt.

Simp­le past - Exer­ci­ses

Fill in the verb in bra­ckets in the simp­le past.

Last sum­mer, Sarah and her fa­mi­ly (visit) the Sta­tue of Li­ber­ty in New York City. They (stay) in a beau­ti­ful hotel in Times Squa­re for a week. Sarah (eat) a de­li­cious slice of New York-​style pizza at a fa­mous piz­ze­ria. Her brot­her (take) a me­mo­ra­ble he­li­cop­ter tour over Man­hat­tan. They (walk) th­rough Cen­tral Park and (enjoy) the beau­ti­ful sce­nery. Sarah's pa­rents (go) shop­ping on Fifth Ave­nue and (buy) some de­si­gner clo­thes. In the eve­nings, they (watch) Broad­way mu­si­cals and (ap­plaud) the ta­len­ted ac­tors. On their last day, they (visit) the Em­pire State Buil­ding and (take) stun­ning pho­tos from the ob­ser­va­ti­on deck. The whole trip to New York City (be) an un­for­gett­a­ble ex­pe­ri­ence for the fa­mi­ly. They (re­turn) home with won­der­ful me­mo­ries of their trip to the Big Apple.

Sarah's fri­end asks Sarah a lot of ques­ti­ons about her trip. Com­ple­te the que­si­ons!

How long (stay) in Times Squa­re? (eat) any fa­mous New York-​style pizza? (take) any tours while you were there What (see) and (enjoy) in Cen­tral Park? (go) shop­ping on Fifth Ave­nue?

Long Is­land City New York May 2015 pan­ora­ma 3