• Klassenarbeit 8
  • anonym
  • 16.12.2024
  • Englisch
  • 8
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Part 1: Lis­te­ning

Lis­ten to the seven Teens. What would they do if they won a mil­li­on dol­lars?
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Teen 1

Zum Be­ar­bei­ten der Zelle, diese dop­pelt an­kli­cken

Teen 2

Für Mehr­fach­aus­wahl: Shift ge­drückt hal­ten und Zel­len wäh­len

Teen 3

Ein­zel­zel­le an­wäh­len, um eine Ta­bel­le aus der Zwi­schen­ab­la­ge ein­zu­fü­gen

Teen 4

Teen 5

Teen 6

Teen 7

Part 2: Re­a­ding

New York City and Its Fa­mous Land­marks

New York City, also known as The Big Apple, is one of the most ex­ci­ting ci­ties in the world. It is lo­ca­ted in the state of New York, in the United Sta­tes of Ame­ri­ca. Over 8 mil­li­on people live in New York City. The city is made up of five bo­roughs: Man­hat­tan, Brook­lyn, Queens, The Bronx, and Sta­ten Is­land.

One of the most fa­mous land­marks in New York is the Sta­tue of Li­ber­ty. This giant sta­tue was a gift from France to the United Sta­tes in 1886. It stands on Li­ber­ty Is­land and wel­co­mes vi­si­tors from all over the world.

Ano­ther well-​known place is Cen­tral Park, a huge green area in the midd­le of Man­hat­tan. It is per­fect for wal­king, pic­nics, and even ice ska­ting in win­ter. Many mo­vies and TV shows have been fil­med there.

Times Squa­re is also a must-​see. It is fa­mous for its bright lights, huge screens, and the­a­ters. Every year on New Year's Eve, thousands of people gather there to ce­le­bra­te and watch the ball drop.

If you want to see the city from above, you can visit the Em­pire State Buil­ding. It has a viewing plat­form where you can look over all of Man­hat­tan and bey­ond.

New York City is also home to the Brook­lyn Bridge, which con­nects Man­hat­tan and Brook­lyn. It is one of the ol­dest sus­pen­si­on bridges in the United Sta­tes and is a great spot for pho­tos.

Ans­wer the fol­lo­wing ques­ti­ons.
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  • How many people live in New York City?
  • Who gave the Sta­tue of Li­ber­ty to the United Sta­tes?
  • What can you do in Cen­tral Park?
  • Why is Times Squa­re fa­mous?

Part 3: Wri­ting

Write a short text (6–8 sen­ten­ces) about one land­mark in New York City that you find most in­te­resting. Ex­plain why you chose this land­mark and what makes it spe­cial. Use in­for­ma­ti­on from the text and your own ideas.
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  • What is the name of the land­mark?
  • Where is it lo­ca­ted?
  • What can people do or see there?
  • Why do you think this place is ex­ci­ting or im­portant?

Part 4: Vo­ca­bu­la­ry

Trans­la­te the fol­lo­wing sen­ten­ces.
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  • Die ers­ten Men­schen in Ame­ri­ka waren Ur­ein­woh­ner Ame­ri­kas.

  • Ein Wol­ken­krat­zer ist ein sehr hohes Ge­bäu­de.

  • Die Brook­lyn Bridge ver­bin­det Man­hat­tan und Brook­lyn.

  • Do you know the me­a­ning of the word land­mark?

  • You can enjoy a beau­ti­ful view from the Em­pire State Buil­ding.

  • Many im­mi­grants came to New York for a bet­ter life.

Fill in the blanks with the cor­rect form of the verb in bra­ckets. Use the pre­sent pro­gres­si­ve, will-​future, or going-​to fu­ture, as nee­ded.
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Right now, tou­rists   (visit) New York City and  (take) pho­tos of fa­mous land­marks. Some people  (walk) in Cen­tral Park, while others   (enjoy) the view from the Em­pire State Buil­ding.

Next week, I   (visit) New York for the first time. I  (see) the Sta­tue of Li­ber­ty and   (take) a boat to Li­ber­ty Is­land. My fri­end and I   (ex­plo­re) Times Squa­re in the evening. It  (be) an ex­ci­ting trip!

Crea­te three sen­ten­ces using if-​clauses about school. (e.g. If I study hard, I will pass the exam)
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