• E 9e Rak: Tandem-Practice 2
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 9
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Com­ple­te the sen­ten­ces below. Put the verbs of per­cep­ti­on in the right tense and choo­se whe­ther to use a parti­ciple or an in­fi­ni­ti­ve! Once both of you are done, start com­pa­ring by re­a­ding out the sen­ten­ces to each other. While lis­te­ning to your part­ner, check his/her ans­wers!

Part­ner A - exer­ci­se

Part­ner B - so­lu­ti­ons

  • When I ar­ri­ved at school early yes­ter­day, I (hear – so­me­o­ne – speak) loud­ly in the cor­ri­dor.

  • I (hear – them – men­ti­on) my best fri­end Linda’s name, so I tried to lis­ten.

  • After a while, one of the teachers (noti­ce – me – stare) at them.

  • The next mo­ment, I (hear – the bell – ring) and went to my class­room.

  • I wan­ted to talk to Linda, but I couldn’t (see - her - sit) an­y­whe­re in the class­room.
  • ...I saw two teachers ar­gu­ing...

  • I wat­ched the teachers ge­sturi­ng...

  • ...could see her get­ting...

  • ...feel mys­elf get­ting...

  • ...noti­ced so­me­thing re­al­ly stran­ge hap­pe­ning...
Com­ple­te the sen­ten­ces below. Put the verbs of per­cep­ti­on in the right tense and choo­se whe­ther to use a parti­ciple or an in­fi­ni­ti­ve! Once both of you are done, start com­pa­ring by re­a­ding out the sen­ten­ces to each other. While lis­te­ning to your part­ner, check his/her ans­wers!

Part­ner B - exer­ci­se

Part­ner A - so­lu­ti­ons

  • ...I heard so­me­o­ne spe­a­king...

  • I heard them men­ti­on...

  • ... noti­ced me sta­ring...

  • ...I heard the bell ring...

  • ...see her sit­ting...
  • I wal­ked around a cor­ner and I (see – two teachers – argue).

  • I (watch – the teachers – ge­sture) wild­ly, but I couldn’t un­der­stand what they were say­ing.

  • I could (see – her – get) re­al­ly angry then, so I quick­ly wal­ked off.

  • Ar­ri­ving there, I could (feel - mys­elf - get) a litt­le upset.

  • 'Where might she be?', I won­de­red, when I (noti­ce - so­me­thing re­al­ly stran­ge - hap­pen) out­si­de...