• Describing a friend
  • pikous
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • 3. Ausbildungsjahr
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Phra­ses and chunks for de­scri­bing a fri­end

Ge­ne­ral in­for­ma­ti­on:
  • My best fri­end is … and
    he | she is … years old.
  • He | She lives in …
  • He | She is from ...
  • We have known each other
    for … (+ Zeit­dau­er)
  • I’ve known him | her
    since … (+ Zeit­punkt)
  • We first met …
  • NAME is … and …
  • He | She has got…
  • His | Her … is …
  • I think he | she is a … boy | girl.
  • In my opi­ni­on he | she looks very | quite
  • All in all he | she is …
  • I must say that NAME is very …
  • My fri­end al­ways | often | so­me­times | usu­al­ly wears …
  • NAME likes wea­ring …
  • His | Her fa­vou­ri­te piece of clo­thing is …
  • He | She hard­ly | ra­re­ly wears any …
  • In ge­ne­ral he often wears … clo­thes and I like his | her style.
  • My fri­end … is a … boy | girl.
  • He | She is al­ways …
  • I like him | her very much, be­cau­se …
  • So­me­times NAME can be a litt­le bit … , but …
  • There is one thing I don’t like about my fri­end.
  • There is nothing I don’t like about NAME.
  • I think he | she is per­fect the way he | she is.
  • In our free time we al­ways | often
  • I like spen­ding time with NAME, be­cau­se …
  • My fri­end and I al­ways | often | usu­al­ly … toge­ther.
  • We like …, but we don’t like …

Phra­ses and chunks for wri­ting | tal­king about fri­end­ship

Fri­end­ship soup:
  • I would put … into my fri­end­ship soup.
  • For my fri­end­ship soup I would choo­se the in­gre­dients …
  • I think … is im­portant | necess­a­ry | es­sen­ti­al be­cau­se …
  • … means that …
Qua­li­ties of a fri­end:
  • In a good fri­end­ship you should be …
  • A good fri­end must | has to | should
  • In my opi­ni­on good fri­ends must | have to | should
  • … is es­sen­ti­al in a fri­end­ship. I think it won’t work out wit­hout it.
  • A good fri­end must not | should not | doesn’t have to | doesn’t need to
  • I think good fri­ends must not | should not | don’t have to | don’t need to
  • … is not im­portant for me in a fri­end­ship. I think there are more im­portant things than that.