• Writing a letter of application
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Berufsbildungsreife
  • Englisch
  • 9
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Wri­ting: a let­ter of ap­pli­ca­ti­on

  • Bel­four  Ju­ni­or School
  • Paul  Mil­ler
  • part-​time
  • 0217  432 38345
  • six  months at su­per­mar­ket (cas­hier)
  • good  at working in a team; fri­end­ly, knows a lot about sports shoes
  • 44 Brave Ave­nue, Brigh­ton (UK)
  • Age:  17
  • paul.mil­ler@gmail.net
  • likes:  swim­ming, hi­king, tra­vel­ling
  • can  start in Fe­bru­ary
  • wants  to work at “SHOE HEA­VEN“ be­cau­se he owns 20 pairs of sports shoes and he loves doing sports  

Paul Mil­ler wants to apply for a job at the store “SHOE HEA­VEN”.
Read the in­for­ma­ti­on about him and fill in the ap­pli­ca­ti­on form.

Ap­pli­ca­ti­on form

Per­so­nal de­tails

First name(s) ___________________________________________Sur­na­me ____________________________________________

Ad­dress                       ___________________________________________ _____________________             _______            

Phone num­ber         ___________________________________________       E-​mail ad­dress             ____________    __


School                                _________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________        

Work ex­pe­ri­ence

Em­p­loy­er     ________________________________________ __________________________________                              

About you

Hob­bies/In­te­rests                          _________________________                          _________________        _____    __            

Say what you are good at                                                _______________________        _____    __                            ___

Say why you want to work for us                                                _____________________________________            _____

Part-​time or full-​time?                                    ______________________________________________________

When can you start?                                            ___________________________________________________

Now write a let­ter of ap­pli­ca­ti­on (from Paul's per­spec­ti­ve). Write about yours­elf (Paul) and why you (Paul) want to work at the shoe store SHOE HEA­VEN.

You can start like this: Dear Sir/Madam, my name is ...
