• Conditional sentences, type 2
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 7
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Be­din­gungs­sät­ze, Typ 2

Be­din­gungs­sät­ze vom Typ 2 sind Was wäre, wenn...-​Sätze.

Der Spre­cher hält es für un­wahr­schein­lich (oder es ist un­mög­lich), dass die Be­din­gung aus dem if-​Satz er­füllt wird.


simp­le past


would/could + In­fi­ni­ti­ve

If I were Sean,

I would dance with all the other girls.

If I were the DJ,

ever­y­o­ne would look at me.

Fill in the gaps.

If I (go) to the dance, I (fall) on my knees. Then ever­y­bo­dy (look) at me, if I (be) on the ground. If they an am­bu­lan­ce, I (feel) so em­bar­ras­sed. Pro­bab­ly, so­me­o­ne (turn down) the music, if my class­ma­tes (build) a cir­cle around me. Then Sean and his fri­ends (laugh) at me, if I (be) in the midd­le of the room. If the teachers (call) my pa­rents, my en­ti­re fa­mi­ly (ar­ri­ve). That (be] even more em­bar­ras­sing. If I (be) brave, I (go) to the ball, but I'm not.

What if you were Raina?
  • Write a text (at least 6 sen­ten­ces).
  • Begin with: If I were Raina, I ....