• Travel blog - New York
  • pikous
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • 3
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Mon­day, 10th Sep­tem­ber:

Hey there ever­y­bo­dy! My fri­end Lisa and I have ar­ri­ved in New York today and I must say – this city is bril­li­ant! It took us five hours to get here by plane. JFK air­port is the big­gest air­port I have ever seen!

I think ever­y­thing in this city is big­ger than usual.

We are stay­ing in a small hotel near Broad­way for seven days. The hotel staff is very nice and hel­pful. To­mor­row we are going to visit the Em­pire State Buil­ding and I am so loo­king for­ward to it!

Find the dif­fe­rent ten­ses in the text. Un­der­line the verbs with dif­fe­rent co­lours for each tense.
You should look for these ten­ses:
  • Pre­sent Simp­le
  • Pre­sent Pro­gres­si­ve
  • Pre­sent Per­fect
  • Past Simp­le
  • Going to - Fu­ture

Tu­es­day, 11th Sep­tem­ber:

Good af­ter­noon! Today we have al­re­a­dy vi­si­ted the Em­pire State Buil­ding. The view down onto the city was ama­zing, but there were lots of people and we had to wait for a long time to get on top of the buil­ding. Did you know that the Em­pire State Buil­ding was the tal­lest sky­scra­per in the world until 1972? It was sunny and warm all the time, but on top of the buil­ding it was very windy! So if you want to go there one day – take a ja­cket with you!

At the mo­ment I am sit­ting in our hotel room, but we are going to take a walk th­rough Cen­tral Park later.

Wed­nes­day, 12th Sep­tem­ber:

Good mor­ning! Yes­ter­day we went to Cen­tral Park and in the evening we saw the mu­si­cal “Lion King“ in one of the fa­mous Broad­way the­a­tres. The show was fan­ta­stic! Es­pe­cial­ly the cos­tu­mes were great and I re­al­ly liked most of the songs. Our walk th­rough Cen­tral Park was re­la­xing, but we ne­ar­ly got lost! It is the big­gest park in the world and there are so many paths and trees that you can lose your way ea­si­ly! Today we have al­re­a­dy been to Macy’s to do some shop­ping and I’ve bought some sou­ve­nirs for my pa­rents. Later we are going to visit some other sights like the Brook­lyn Bridge or Times Squa­re.

And we are going to have one of the fa­mous New York Style hot dogs at Gray’s Pa­pa­ya! Yummy!
