• Passive in Simple Past
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Weiterbildung
  • Englisch
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Who needs pas­si­ve at all?

Pas­si­ve ist used, when

- it is eit­her un­im­portant or un­k­nown who is doing the ac­tion

- the actor is shown in the con­text

- the ac­tion be­longs to pro­ces­ses that hap­pen sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly or usu­al­ly

- the spe­a­ker/wri­ter wants to crea­te a di­s­tance

To build a pas­si­ve sen­tence in simp­le pre­sent, you have to ex­chan­ge the order of sub­ject and ob­ject, so that the for­mer ob­ject be­co­mes the sub­ject and vice versa.

You also need to build the pas­si­ve form of the verb by buil­ding the parti­ciple.


Ac­ti­ve: Jim sends the let­ter.

Pas­si­ve: The let­ter is sent (by Jim).

Re­mem­ber: The ob­ject in the pas­si­ve sen­tence is not al­ways known or nee­ded.

To build pas­si­ve in simp­le past, you pro­ceed in the same way and adapt the verb to the tense nee­ded.


Ac­ti­ve: Jim sent the let­ter.

Pas­si­ve: The let­ter was sent (by Jim).

Here is a table that shows the ex­amp­le at a glan­ce:



Simp­le Pre­sent

Jim sends the let­ter.

The let­ter is sent (by Jim).

Simp­le Past

Jim sent the let­ter.

The let­ter was sent (by Jim).

Task: Write a re­port of the of the match bet­ween Me­xi­co and Ger­ma­ny at the foot­ball worls cham­pi­on­ship 2018 by trans­forming the sen­ten­ces with the mar­ked words into pas­si­ve.

1.: Right in the be­gin­ning, Lo­za­no from Me­xi­co play­ed the ball and had a good chan­ce to score.



2.: Ger­ma­ny's Boateng, howe­ver, pre­ven­ted his team from this very early goal for the Me­xi­cans.



3.: Soon after, Ger­man Drax­ler al­most placed the ball into the goal.



4.: Ochoa, the Me­xi­can kee­per, could avoid this.



5.: About twen­ty mi­nu­tes later Lo­za­no sco­red. The Ger­man kee­per Neuer couln't pre­vent this.



6.: The per­for­mance of the Ger­man team re­al­ly di­sap­poin­ted the Ger­man fans.



7.: The Me­xi­can fans, howe­ver, ce­le­bra­ted their team.


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ At­ten­ti­on: This sen­tence is a bit tri­cky ;-)

Good luck and have fun!!
