• Simple Present or Present Progressive?
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 5
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Setzte die richtigen Signalwörter • just • ever • already • yet • not … yet •
und die richtige Verbform des past participle ein.

1. I have (gerade) (to ride) the Silverstar.

2. Have you (jemals) (to be) to Europapark?

3. Have you (schon) (to do) your homework?

4. He has (soeben) (to take) the rubbish out.

5. Mr. Binkelmann has (bereits) (to correct) the Quicktests.

6. She has (schon) (to do) the shopping.

7. Have they (überhaupt) (to take) the rubbish out?

8. We (noch nicht) (to hear) the new song from Capital Bra .

9. She has (eben) (to listen) to the new song from Capital Bra.

10. Have you (to make) the birthday cake (schon)?

11. Where you (to be)? - I have (gerade noch) (to visit) my friend.

12. Oh no, I haven't (to win) the game (noch nicht).

13. Have you (to talk) to your friend (schon).

14. Yes, I have (schon) (to meet) him.


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