• Simple Present or Present Progressive?
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 5
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Setz­te die rich­ti­gen Si­gnal­wör­ter • just • ever • al­re­a­dy • yet • not … yet •
und die rich­ti­ge Verb­form des past parti­ciple ein.

1. I have (ge­ra­de) (to ride) the Sil­ver­star.

2. Have you (je­mals) (to be) to Eu­ro­pa­park?

3. Have you (schon) (to do) your ho­me­work?

4. He has (so­eben) (to take) the rub­bish out.

5. Mr. Bin­kel­mann has (be­reits) (to cor­rect) the Quick­tests.

6. She has (schon) (to do) the shop­ping.

7. Have they (über­haupt) (to take) the rub­bish out?

8. We (noch nicht) (to hear) the new song from Ca­pi­tal Bra .

9. She has (eben) (to lis­ten) to the new song from Ca­pi­tal Bra.

10. Have you (to make) the bir­th­day cake (schon)?

11. Where you (to be)? - I have (ge­ra­de noch) (to visit) my fri­end.

12. Oh no, I haven't (to win) the game (noch nicht).

13. Have you (to talk) to your fri­end (schon).

14. Yes, I have (schon) (to meet) him.


Schau auf dei­nem Ar­beits­blatt „Si­gnal­wör­ter Pre­sent Per­fect“ nach wenn du bei den Si­gnal­wör­tern un­si­cher bist.
