• Jobs
  • Lynnee
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 8
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Look at the pic­tures. De­scri­be the jobs.
Write down the words for the people who do these jobs.

1) a per­son who helps you in a shop

2) a per­son who plays the music at the disco

3) a per­son who helps the doc­tor, es­pe­cial­ly in an am­bu­lan­ce

4) a per­son who gui­des you th­rough a na­ti­o­nal park or fo­rest
Pa­ra­phra­se these jobs.
  • an as­tro­naut
  • a cook
  • a pilot
  • a fi­sher­man