• Canada Facts
  • damianduchamps
  • 30.06.2020
  • Mittlere Reife
  • Englisch
  • 8
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Facts and num­bers

Ca­na­da is a very big coun­try. It's in the nor­thern part of North Ame­ri­ca and with 9,984,670 km2 (fresh water areas are in this num­ber) it is the se­cond lar­gest coun­try in the word. Only Rus­sia has a lar­ger total area. Ca­na­da has over 2,000,000 lakes, more than any other coun­try. Tem­pe­ra­tures can be quite ex­tre­me in Ca­na­da. There are some areas where you have sum­mer highs of up to 40 °C and in win­ter tem­pe­ra­tures can get as low as -40°C in other areas. Ca­na­da has three coasts with the Pa­ci­fic on the west, the At­lan­tic on the east and the Arc­tic ocean on the north.

In June 2015, 35.851.774 people lived in Ca­na­da's 10 pro­vin­ces and 3 ter­ri­to­ries. To fly from the At­lan­tic coast in the east to the Pa­ci­fic coast in the west you have to cross more than 5,000 ki­lo­me­ters. That's why there are 6 time zones, be­gin­ning with New­found­land Stan­dard Time in the east, going on with At­lan­tic Stan­dard Time, Eas­tern Stan­dard Time, Cen­tral Stan­dard Time, Moun­tain Stan­dard Time and en­ding with Pa­ci­fic Stan­dard Time. The ca­pi­tal of Ot­ta­wa is in the pro­vin­ce of On­ta­rio and On­ta­rio is on At­lan­tic Stan­dard Time. At­lan­tic Stan­dard Time is UTC−4. So when it is 11 a.m. in Ber­lin, it's 6 a.m. in Ot­ta­wa. When Ger­mans slow­ly get hungry and look at their wat­ches to see how long they still have to wait for lunch, Ca­na­di­ans in Ot­ta­wa start get­ting out of bed.

People in Ca­na­da speak many dif­fe­rent lan­gu­ages but there are only two of­fi­ci­al lan­gu­ages, Eng­lish and French. In Ca­na­da people also pay for what they buy in Dol­lars. It's not the US Dol­lar be­cau­se Ca­na­di­ans have the Ca­na­di­an Dol­lar.

Every coun­try has it TLD. Ger­man URLs end with .de, French with .fr and Ca­na­di­an URLs end with .ca.

What's UTC?

UTC means Coor­di­na­ted Uni­ver­sal Time. It's 0 (zero) is the Me­ri­di­an Line in Green­wich, Lon­don, GB. In Ger­ma­ny we are UTC+1 and when it's sum­mer time it's UTC+2. So if you want to cal­cu­la­te the time dif­fe­rence you can sim­ply count times zones. UT+1 to UTC is one time zone. UTC to UTC-4 is four time zones. Add 1 + 4 and you get a dif­fe­rence of 5 time zones.

Look at the map and make a list of all pro­vin­ces and ter­ri­to­ries and their ca­pi­tals.


Yukon - White­hor­se

Nuna­vut - ...

Nor­thwest Ter­ri­to­ries - ...

Bri­tish Co­lum­bia - ...


Fill in the table for Ca­na­da and the USA. The flags you can draw or de­scri­be. Use the text and Wi­ki­pe­dia (https://simp­le.wi­ki­pe­dia.orgwikiUnited_Sta­tes = QR Code).








3 ho­ri­zon­tal stri­pes, from top down: black, red, gold

of­fi­ci­al lan­gu­ages


num­ber of po­li­ti­cal areas/units

16 fe­de­ral sta­tes

num­ber of time zones



North Sea and Baltic Sea on the north


357,021 km2

- 63rd lar­gest coun­try





Write two short texts about the USA and Ger­ma­ny. Use the text about Ca­na­da as an ex­amp­le.

Ger­ma­ny is not a very big coun­try. It's only ... Coun­t­ries next to Ger­ma­ny are ... In the north there are two ...
