• London Stories: Royal Duty 1868
  • szotyori
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 7
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Read the text O3 on page 75
O3 b) on page 75
Dis­cuss what you think of Be­a­tri­ce’s and Sarah's ac­tions with a part­ner or in groups of three.
What do you think of Be­a­tri­ce's ac­tions? Would you do the same thing?
  • Use the lan­guage sup­port below
Write down one or two sen­ten­ces that de­scri­be how you felt about Be­a­tri­ce's ac­tions in your group.

Lan­guage Sup­port

To be hon­est, I think Be­a­tri­ce is ... (be­cau­se)

In my opi­ni­on, ...

If i were Be­a­tri­ce, I would/wouldn't ... be­cau­se ...

I'm lost for words. I think Be­a­tri­ce is very ...
