• Class 9 Project: My superhero
  • Sascha Lesum
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
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Some people have become famous all around the world because they took or are right now taking a stand on important topics like the climate change, human rights or freedom to help other people lead a better life on our planet. Examples for these people are Mahatma Ghandi, Greta Thunberg, Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks. But there are also real superheroes in your neighbourhood or family, like firefighters, nurses, doctors or people who help poor or sick people without getting paid for their help.

Show the world who your superhero is and which superpowers he or she has by creating a video presentation about your hero.
Step 1: Search the Internet to collect information about your superhero. If your superhero is someone who can't be found on the Internet, find other ways to collect information about him or her, for example by interviewing people who have valuable information about your hero.
Step 2: Create a mindmap for your video presentation in which you answer the following questions:
  • Who is your superhero?
  • Personal details, for example date of birth, date of death, where did he or she come from, family members, where and how did he or she grew up, school years, which jobs did he or she learn, etc.?
  • Who or what does/did your superhero fight for? For example poor people, sick people, the climate, animals, etc.
  • What are your superhero's special powers? What makes him or her so special? Which abilities are the strongest? For example, some superheroes fought for other people without using violence. Some superheroes help sick people without complaining about their hard work, etc.
  • What makes your superhero so special to you? Why did you choose him or her as your personal superhero? Add your personal opinion here.
Important tip #1

There are many ways to create a mindmap. Talk to your teacher about how to produce your own mindmap.

Rosa Parks
Step 3: Send the first draft of your mindmap to your teacher. When you get it back, use your teacher's feedback to improve your mindmap.
Step 4: Produce a short movie in which you present your mindmap. To finish part 1 of your project, send the movie file to your teacher.
Important tip #2

If you don't know how to produce a movie about your mindmap or how to send the finished movie, ask your teacher for help!

Step 5: Now that you have finished the structure for your video, you can start producing your presentation. You can choose yourself how you want to create it. Again, there are many ways to create the presentation, so, if you're not sure how to do it, ask your teacher for help.

Step 6: Send the first draft of your video presentation to your teacher. When you get it back, use your teacher's feedback to finally improve your video presentation. When you're finished with improving, send the final movie to your teacher to finish part 2 of your project.
Important tip #3

You can use the Internet for help, if you don't know how to express yourself in English. For example, you can use the website deepl.com to improve your English.

Additionally, your teacher can surely send you some language phrases for presentation, you just have to ask him or her.

Final Step: Reflect on your project by answering the following questions:

What did you like best about the project?

Where did you have problems and how did you solve these problems?

What would you do differently next time you do a project like this?

What did you learn by completing this project?

Create a video or audio file in which you answer the reflection questions and send it to your teacher to finish the final part 3 of your project.
Final tip

If you like to and know how to do it, you can create a complete movie with all three parts of your project and send it to your teacher.
