• Atlantische Dreieckshandel
  • SLemberg
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • B1
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At­lan­tic tra­vel

The At­lan­tic slave trade de­ve­lo­ped after trade cont­acts were es­tab­lished bet­ween the "Old World" (Afro-​Eurasia) and the "New World" (the Ame­ri­cas). For cen­tu­ries, tidal cur­rents had made ocean tra­vel parti­cu­lar­ly dif­fi­cult and risky for the ships that were then availa­ble, and as such there had been very litt­le, if any, ma­ri­ti­me cont­act bet­ween the peo­ples li­ving in these con­ti­nents.[8] In the 15th cen­tu­ry, howe­ver, new Eu­rope­an de­ve­lo­p­ments in se­afa­ring tech­no­lo­gies re­sul­ted in ships being bet­ter equip­ped to deal with the tidal cur­rents, and could begin tra­ver­sing the At­lan­tic Ocean. Bet­ween 1600 and 1800, ap­pro­xi­ma­te­ly 300,000 sai­lors en­ga­ged in the slave trade vi­si­ted West Afri­ca.[9] In doing so, they came into cont­act with so­cie­ties li­ving along the west Afri­can coast and in the Ame­ri­cas which they had never pre­vious­ly en­coun­te­red.[10] His­to­ri­an Pier­re Chaunu ter­med the con­se­quen­ces of Eu­rope­an na­vi­ga­ti­on "di­sen­cla­vement", with it mar­king an end of iso­la­ti­on for some so­cie­ties and an in­crease in inter-​societal cont­act for most others.[11]

Can you in­ter­pret the two charts? Start your trip in Eu­ro­pe.
  • Rum is ex­por­ted to Eu­ro­pe.
  • Saves work on sugar cane plan­ta­ti­ons.
  • Sugar is trans­por­ted to New Eng­land.
  • Cloth, rum and ma­nu­fac­tu­red goods are trans­por­ted from Eu­ro­pe to Afri­ca.
  • Slaves are trans­por­ted from Afri­ca to the New World.
  • Sugar, to­b­ac­co and cot­ton are ex­por­ted to Eu­ro­pe.
  • Sugar is ma­nu­fac­tu­red in New Eng­land.