• Melting Pot vs. Salad Bowl
  • Aiwen
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • 9
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Mel­ting Pot

Salad Bowl

The term mel­ting pot came from a play writ­ten in 1908, which showed how people from dif­fe­rent na­ti­ons were mel­ted toge­ther and born again as Ame­ri­cans.

Some people went so far as to chan­ge their name so they would blend in more with the people.

The move from one coun­try to ano­ther is not al­ways easy. Im­mi­grants often felt as if they had been"uproo­ted" and "trans­plan­ted".

The mel­ting pot con­cept is a place where dif­fe­rent people or dif­fe­rent cul­tures all come toge­ther and begin to merge and mix.

Which world should they call home? The re­sult is a flow of emo­ti­ons from joy to guilt.

Most im­mi­grants left be­hind their cul­tu­re, tra­di­ti­ons and lan­guage and star­ted a new "Ame­ri­can"life.

These words de­scri­bed the ne­ga­ti­ve sides of the im­mi­grant ex­pe­ri­ence. Im­mi­grants so­me­times felt torn bet­ween two worlds.

Salad Bowl

The salad bowl con­cept sug­gests that the in­te­gra­ti­on of the many dif­fe­rent cul­tures of United Sta­tes re­si­dents com­bi­ne like a salad, as op­po­sed to the more tra­di­ti­o­nal no­ti­on of a cul­tu­ral mel­ting pot.

New York City can be con­side­red as being a"salad bowl".

    In the salad bowl model, dif­fe­rent  Ame­ri­can cul­tures are brought toge­ther — like salad in­gre­dients — but do not  form toge­ther into a sin­gle ho­mo­ge­neous cul­tu­re.  

In Ca­na­da this con­cept is more com­mon­ly known asthe cul­tu­ral mo­sa­ic.

This idea pro­po­ses a so­cie­ty of many in­di­vi­du­al,"pure" cul­tures in ad­di­ti­on to the mixed cul­tu­re that is mo­dern Ame­ri­can cul­tu­re.

Each cul­tu­re keeps its own di­s­tinct qua­li­ties.
