• 500 places to see before you die
  • msankofi
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • B1
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500 places to see be­fo­re they die…video com­pre­hen­si­on

Work in groups of three: look at the pic­tures and de­scri­be them to your part­ners. What do they have in com­mon?
Video Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-3wYiVTvus
Ga­la­pa­gos Is­lands
Ve­nice, Italy
Ans­wer the ques­ti­ons about the film about endan­ge­red places. Do not use more than four words.
  • What places are ex­clu­ded from the list?
  • What is the name of the Ant­arc­tic pen­gu­ins?
  • What is one pro­blem with the Alps?
  • Where are the Ga­la­pa­gos Is­lands?
  • Why do people come to the Mal­di­ves? Name two re­a­sons
  • What is the nick­na­me for Ma­da­gas­car?
  • What is hap­pe­ning to Ve­nice?
  • What are the bor­der coun­t­ries of the Dead Sea?
  • Where is the Great Bar­ri­er Reef lo­ca­ted?
In your groups of three: pre­pa­re a short pre­sen­ta­ti­on
  • Find an endan­ge­red place that is on the list of 500 places to see be­fo­re they die.
  • Pre­pa­re a 5 mi­nu­te pre­sen­ta­ti­on
  • Study pre­sen­ta­ti­on lan­guage
  • Pre­sent your fin­dings as a group pre­sen­ta­ti­on
  • Share your pre­sen­ta­ti­on on­line
video source:



  1. man-​made land­marks
  2. em­per­or pen­gu­ins
  3. re­ce­ding gla­ciers, de­creased snow­fall
  4. in the pa­ci­fic ocean
  5. ma­ri­ne life, in­com­pa­ra­ble be­aches, views
  6. Noah's arc
  7. the sea level is in­crea­sing > floods; it is sin­king
  8. Jor­dan and Is­ra­el
  9. off Aus­tra­lia's coast